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Descargar DOS Conejos Blancos de Jairo Buitrago,Rafael Yockteng Libros Gratis en EPUB

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DOS Conejos Blancos de Jairo Buitrago,Rafael Yockteng

Descripción - Críticas Praise for Dos conejos blancos by Jairo Buitrago, illustrated by Rafael Yockteng 'This beautiful, understated story is extremely important right now; it will resonate with many and open the eyes of children unfamiliar with the experience of immigration.' - Booklist, starred review Praise for Two White Rabbits by Jairo Buitrago, illustrated by Rafael Yockteng, translated by Elisa Amado A Notable Book for a Global Society (IRA) 'This simple, yet poignant picture book beautifully illustrates the life of one migrating family. An important and timely picture book.' School Library Journal, starred review 'A masterpiece of understatement. In leaving readers with much to wonder about, the book packs the most powerful of punches.' Kirkus, starred review 'Hope and hardship coexist in this haunting look at refugees fleeing home in hopes of a safer, more secure life.' Publishers Weekly, starred review Reseña del editor In this moving and timely story, a young child describes what it is like to be a migrant as she and her father travel north toward the US border. They travel mostly on the roof of a train known as The Beast, but the little girl doesn't know where they are going. She counts the animals by the road, the clouds in the sky, the stars. Sometimes she sees soldiers. She sleeps, dreaming that she is always on the move, although sometimes they are forced to stop and her father has to earn more money before they can continue their journey. As many thousands of people, especially children, in Mexico and Central America continue to make the arduous journey to the US border in search of a better life, this is an important book that shows a young migrant's perspective. Biografía del autor Jairo Buitrago is a children's book author who has collaborated with Rafael Yockteng on several award-winning picture books, including Jimmy the Greatest! (which received six starred reviews) and Two White Rabbits (which received three starred reviews). Together, Jairo Buitrago and Rafael Yockteng have won the 'A la Orilla del Viento' contest (Fondo de Cultura Economica de Mexico), and their books have been included in IBBY's Honor List, 'Los mejores libros del ano' (Venezuela's Banco del Libro), Kirkus Best Books, the Horn Book Fanfare and the White Ravens Catalogue. Rafael Yockteng has illustrated many highly acclaimed children's books, including Sopa de frijoles / Bean Soup by Jorge Argueta (USBBY Outstanding International Books), and Jimmy the Greatest! (which received six starred reviews) and Two White Rabbits (which received three starred reviews) by Jairo Buitrago. Together, Jairo Buitrago and Rafael Yockteng have won the 'A la Orilla del Viento' contest (Fondo de Cultura Economica de Mexico), and their books have been included in IBBY's Honor List, 'Los mejores libros del ano' (Venezuela's Banco del Libro), Kirkus Best Books, the Horn Book Fanfare and the White Ravens Catalogue.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: DOS Conejos Blancos
  • Autor: Jairo Buitrago,Rafael Yockteng
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Desarrollo y cuestiones personales y sociales
  • Tamaño del archivo: 13 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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